Ken Ham is the head of Answers In Genesis, an organization that promotes and perpetuates the Creationist view that the Earth is less than ten thousand years old, that homo sapiens sapien trod the same ground at the same time as dinosaurs, the the story of Noah is literally true, and that evolution is All Wrong. He’s an Australian and a biblical literalist. He built the Creation Museum in Petersburg, Kentucky, in 2007. Check the link for an overview by an (admittedly) biased source, but for simple clarity is hard to beat. It is a fraud of research, flagrantly anti-science, and laughable in its assertions (in my opinion).…
Category: science
A Moment of Celebrity Type Stuff
A friend of mine, the estimable Erich Veith, came by my home a bit over a year ago and we recorded a long interview. Erich has finally gotten around to editing it and has begun posting segments on YouTube. Here’s the first one. (I still haven’t figured out how to embed videos here, so bear with me.)
Erich runs the website Dangerous Intersection, where I post opinionated blatherings from time to time and Erich graciously allows me to hold forth in my own idiosyncratic manner. Why he thought people would also enjoy watching and hearing me as well, I can’t say, but I enjoyed the process and from the looks of the first three (which are up at Dangerous Intersection) I don’t think I came off too badly.…
Quote For The Coming Times
“Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.” Buddha…
To Explore Strange New Worlds….
The number of stars discovered having planets in orbit has grown over the years since we figured out how to find them. Mostly, though, the planets in question have been big Super Jovians, basically failed stars that, had they been a bit more massive, probably would have ignited and turn their primary into a binary or even trinary star system. Smaller planets— say, like Earth or Mars—are by definition harder to find.
But find one we have. Check this piece at Panda’s Thumb.
The possibilities inch toward probabilities that there is life—rich life, complex life—elsewhere, not just here. This is a really cool time to be a science fiction fan.…
The Future On The Chopping Block…Again
I should state up front here that I really don’t have a problem ideologically with Federal Spending. That great boogieman of right vs. left. I pay taxes, I want things for it. And I frankly like most of what I end up paying for. I’d like to see priorities shift, but I don’t believe cutting the budget will accomplish that. I’d like to see an expand space program. I would like to see an expanding educational budget. I would love a sensible national health care program. I would like to see less spending on weapons systems that never get out of planning or away from prototype and I would certainly like to see less government subsidy of pointless corporate programs that would best be served by shareholders telling their boards of directors what to do with company money. …