We’re Back

Please excuse the “brief” hiatus.  Once in a while, I have Issues with all this internet falderol and this time it resulted in a protracted absence of the Distal Muse, for which I apologize.  I take full responsibility for the crash, although it did seem to take an inordinate amount of time for my ISP to resolve it.

No matter.  The Distal Muse is back up now.

In the intervening weeks since everything went blank, things have happened.  Primarily regarding this site, I have begun a new blog.  (Yeah, right, like you need another excuse to spend time away from your fiction, but go ahead, Tiedemann, it’s your time, spend it any way you please.)  (Thank you, I will.  Now go back to your corner.)

I have set up a sister blog called The Proximal Eye, dedicated to literature, film, art, questions of culture.  Reviews, basically.  I already have a few posts up.  I wanted a venue a bit less mixed than this one, which may have begun with the intention to discuss a finite number of things, but which has become my online soap box, megaphone, pulpit, podium, and editorial page.  Anyone wishing to link to my posts on books, film, and music would have to do so to the individual posts, because the Muse may not be entirely suitable for all situations.  Anything I might post here, therefore, that fits within the parameters of cultural objet d’arte I will cross post to the Eye.

Now that I have that cleared up, welcome back to the Muse.  In the next few days I’ll put something up to get myself current with whatever other interests, irritations, and insights I might have been unable to vent spleen upon in the past few weeks.

Thank you for your patience.

Published by Mark Tiedemann