I saw a friend’s new avatar on FaceBook this morning, so I went to the app to see about doing it for myself. Nothing I came up with satisfied, so I decided it was time for a new AUTHOR PHOTO. Open Photoshop and…
Well, that came out kinda scary. I was going for a pencil drawing look, but it made me look like some kind of unpleasant, woke-up-on-the-wrong-side-of-humanity dude. Even the nice blue eyes didn’t soften it up much.
So I went for something more traditionally “authorial” and came up with this:
Which for now is probably the best photograph of me done since my friend Drea took a bunch of shots back in 1995, when I had delusions of massive authorhood. I still like those, but the truth is I just don’t look like this anymore:
Time. What are you gonna do? But I really like the new one, so for the foreseeable future I think I’ll use it for promotions and such.   Now I have to go write some fiction.