I’ve heard it a lot recently. Snowflakes. “Those snowflakes.”
It’s an insult. It means, apparently, thin-skinned, easily offended, a lightweight, someone prone to knee-jerk reactions to certain things which the ones applying the label don’t see the problem with. “We mustn’t offend the snowflakes!”
What topics? It has something to do with political correctness, which is another one of those labels which has lost valence through overuse and misapplication.
What is political correctness?
Well, others may have their definitions, but mine is to speak truly about a subject rather than resort to cliché. To find out the reality before talking through one’s hat, using whatever popular cultural handles that may be lying around.
You can pretty much pick the topic and find disagreement over things ranging from stereotyping to cultural appropriation. There’s the popular opinion, then there’s the fabrication, and then there’s the reality. P.C. ought to mean we go for the reality, which requires a certain amount of work and a bit of sensitivity, which seems in short supply. And if you have no sensitivity, why would you bother to do the work?
Of course, if you don’t do the work, where will you ever get any sensitivity.
So we have a new label, a category—actually a steel-reinforced closet—into which and by which we can dispense with the need to deal with the issues raised by the behavior being tagged as that of a Snowflake. Once so labeled we can simply use that term to dismiss whatever might be upsetting them.
It’s hard then to know if what is upsetting them has any legitimacy because the conversation has now stopped.
Here’s a thought: those applying this new label seem to believe that these are delicate people who get flustered at the mere mention of opinions with which they disagree. What if that’s not it? What if it’s more likely the final loss of tolerance for dealing with attitudes, opinions, and treatment with which they have been subjected to for years and they’ve finally reached the point of saying “You know what, if you can’t see through your own bullshit, I don’t have to either help you or put up with it anymore.”
What if a good number, maybe the majority, of people being labeled Snowflakes are actually of such a toughness that it took years and decades of being misheard, misunderstood, categorized, dismissed, and otherwise bullied before they finally just had enough and decided to slam the door in your face?
I’ve been bullied. The one thing that becomes clear, finally, is that being bullied has no rational cause. Nothing you can say or do will change the fact that the bully just wants to hurt you. It’s not rational. They will bully you because you don’t fit some cool profile or they sense that you’re vulnerable or—more relevant to this situation—that you, just by being, represent a threat to their self-image. You can’t negotiate, you can’t “be reasonable,” and you sure as hell can’t educate them out of their desire, their urge really to put you in a box and keep you there.
You abuse someone long enough they will snap back. Right now, voices are being heard that have needed to be heard and certain people, who thought as long as the room was quiet everything was fine, are trying to shut them down. This is nothing new, this has been the reality for a long, long time. Now we have some acting out. Now we have some payback. Now the “nice, quiet, well-behaved so-n-so who was never a problem before” is standing up saying enough, and so a new label is required?
What you are seeing as hypersensitivity is really just the final loss of patience. If the conversation had been engaged honestly long ago you wouldn’t be facing a challenge to authority like this. And claiming you’re the ones under siege is one more example of the myopia of too-long hegemony.
Every time now I see or hear that label being used I think “Have you looked in a mirror lately? If anyone’s being hypersensitive…” But no, that’s wrong. It’s not hypersensitivity. It’s insensitivity.
Now, go to your room. Write a thousand times “I will not be an insensitive jerk and pretend it’s a defense of conservative principles.”
You just don’t like the message and you think creating and using a new label will fix the problem. Like that ever worked before.
Perhaps you should consider doing some of that “investigation and research” you tout. “Special Snowflake” is a label conjugated from the notion instilled in the heads of Millennials that they are utterly unique in every way, and therefore utterly worthy of special treatment and consideration at every turn.
Special Snowflakes as a whole have several things in common: They are all under 30. They are all solidly upper-middle to upper class. They are all college-“educated” or in the process of being college “educated”. Not one of them has ever suffered a single nanosecond of deprivation or disappointment in SHeIt’s entire life. (Their Tiger Mommies and Duddie-Buddies have seen to that). They ARE the kids who were the bullies and aggressors in grade school – they learned very early how to game the system, and did so, with a vengeance. They are completely, totally, 100% intolerant of anyone who disagrees with them on any level, and will respond with utterly hateful aggression and retaliation if you dare to.
“Special Snowflake” is a designation EARNED by hate-mongering perma-toddler Leftist “adult” children, and has nothing to do with race, religion, gender, or any other “trigger” or “privilege” so beloved of the Left.
I’d suggest you wean yourself off the Kool-ade before you lose whatever remains of your brain.
All due respect, that may be where it originated, but it is no longer being applied that way by the spiteful, whiny Right, who have apparently decided anyone reacting in ways they regard as contrary to their preferred world view should be characterized. It cuts both ways. People with legitimate grievances, legitimate voices, and genuine reasons for challenging them are being lumped into the recently-minted category, regardless of age, race, economic status, etc. The way it is currently being deployed by the bullies to whom I refer has EVERYTHING to do with race, religion, gender, and political opinion. As usual, it seems to be a thoughtless misappropriation by people who simply don’t like their own voices challenged.
At least, that’s how I’ve seen it deployed and applied. It’s the same kind of thing as assuming that only Millennials can think that way or that all Millennials are by definition Left.
So maybe rather than lecture about kool-aid, attention should be paid to the underlying arguments in play and forget the labels—self-applied or attributed. Which, I think, was my point, which you may have missed.
By the way, by your definition, Donald Trump qualifies as a Special Snowflake.