This has been going around, so maybe you’ve seen it already, but if not here’s another opportunity. Dylan Ratigan is saying what many of us have expressed a part of in the last several years, some of us more so.
I wrote about this previously here
Basically, what Ratigan is talking about is the leaching of latent wealth out of the country by multinationals who have corrupted the American political system to guarantee as few regulations as possible, regulations which ordinarily would require then to reinvest that money here instead of taking out of the country to squirrel away in financial safe havens.
They have managed to convince a lot of Americans that this is to safeguard their freedom of the marketplace, when in fact all it does it give most of us a smaller and smaller allotment of resources with which to work.
I, too, am dismally disappointed in Mr. Obama, who is just one more politician who lost his cajones when he got into office and refuses to tell the truth.