
I have a spam filter on this blog which blocks robo-posts.  These things come from who knows where, really, and I’ve had them so bad before that they filled my server and prevented all manner of useful function.  I do check from time to time to make sure nothing legitimate has been dumped into the spam file, just on the off-chance that someone actually wanted to make a comment on one of these posts.  Usually the address is a domain number, the tagline something innocuous, but the body of the post is often economical and surreal.  Generally I get a lot of ads from drug suppliers, for pain killers, blood pressure medicine, Viagra knock-offs, etc.

Then there are the sex ads, which go from fairly mundane (naked girls, etc) to the truly weird  (zoo sex).  One the other day cracked me up.

Oral Roberts.  Oral sex.  Oral sex technique.

I’m trying to imagine receiving instruction or advice on the second two from the first and it just won’t scan…

Published by Mark Tiedemann